Last week, Discovery Communications and Animal Planet released its premiere of Frozen Planet, a journey through the world’s Arctic and Antarctic regions. From the producers of Planet Earth and Life, this next series, Frozen Planet, explores the world’s most undiscovered and mysterious lands.
Frozen Planet follows the immense life that inhabits the great North, and South. For example the adorable polar bears who must reach the coast to find food to feed the mother’s two cubs, or the wolves who utilize team work to bring down a buffalo for dinner or the great Empire penguins who fight off the extreme cold winds.
This beautiful display of life beyond anything imaginable is simply incredible. The camera work and footage is breath taking. What really makes this series special and different from Planet Earth and Life is that these parts of the world are so foreign to humans. From the series, I learned that it was not until the late 19th century that humans even knew much about these regions. Considering, that is only a hundred years. Imagine what else we can learn?
However, these beautiful vast lands are greatly threatened from climate change and rising sea levels. Well essentially the Earth’s temperatures are rising and that is seen all over the globe. One place in particular is the poles. The global temperatures may have only risen fractions of a degree higher, but that slight increase can create lasting effects on the environment. As an example, higher temperatures lead to a higher acceleration of melting ice caps, which lead to higher sea levels, which greatly effects biodiversity!
Those polar bears, Empire penguins, and wolves that the series, Frozen Planet, made us fall in love with are threatened from changes in their biodiversity. And, unfortunately, humans cause much of that change from CO2 emissions and pollution.
Let’s take a step back and analyze our lifestyles. Maybe we can preserve these incredible life forms. Check out Frozen Planet on Animal Planet on 8 p.m. on Sundays. Also check out Animal Planet’s Too Cute that features little tiny adorable puppies and kittens. It’s awesome.
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